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SKU: 9021612M

Talens Art Creation gouache is an opaque paint that you can thin, mix and blend with water. Gouache allows you to paint matt sections without leaving stripes or brush strokes. Because this paint dries within several minutes, it is highly practical and easy to use for large colour blocks and fine details. Gouache is not waterproof when dry, so you can still rework the paint with a little water on your brush.

The paint can be used on many grounds, such as paper, canvas, cardboard and wood. Gouache is known for its colour intensity, which has made the paint popular among artists, designers and illustrators.

Contents: 12 x 12 ml tubes (100 White – 205 Lemon Yellow (Primary) – 201 Light Yellow – 334 Scarlet – 362 Deep Rose – 512 Cobalt Blue (Ultramarine) – 501 Light Blue (Cyan) – 602 Deep Green – 227 Yellow Ochre – 411 Burnt Sienna – 409 Burnt Umber – 700 Black).

price 442 baht .2932 selectBox2932
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stock of : 28


SKU: 9021624M

Talens Art Creation gouache is an opaque paint that you can thin, mix and blend with water. Gouache allows you to paint matt sections without leaving stripes or brush strokes. Because this paint dries within several minutes, it is highly practical and easy to use for large colour blocks and fine details. Gouache is not waterproof when dry, so you can still rework the paint with a little water on your brush.

The paint can be used on many grounds, such as paper, canvas, cardboard and wood. Gouache is known for its colour intensity, which has made the paint popular among artists, designers and illustrators.

Contents: 24 x 12 ml tubes (100 White – 205 Lemon Yellow (Primary) – 201 Light Yellow – 293 Medium Yellow – 202 Deep Yellow – 374 Pink Beige – 311 Vermilion – 334 Scarlet – 318 Carmine – 362 Deep Rose – 536 Violet – 504 Ultramarine – 512 Cobalt Blue (Ultramarine) – 508 Prussian Blue – 501 Light Blue (Cyan) – 526 Azure Blue – 617 Yellowish Green – 601 Light Green – 602 Deep Green – 623 Sap Green – 227 Yellow Ochre – 411 Burnt Sienna – 409 Burnt Umber – 700 Black).

price 815 baht .2933 selectBox2933
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stock of : 35

Acrylic Colour Set Hanging 12 ml.

SKU: 9021712M

Acrylic colours
Acrylic colours are a modern and versatile paint that can be used in various ways. The colours are easy to mix and you can use them on many different grounds such as artists' canvas and paper. Plaster, board, wood, stone and cement provide good grounds as well.

price 441 baht .40 selectBox40
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stock of : 141

Acrylic Colour Set Hanging 24 x 12 ml.

SKU: 9021724M

Acrylic colours
Acrylic colours are a modern and versatile paint that can be used in various ways. The colours are easy to mix and you can use them on many different grounds such as artists' canvas and paper. Plaster, board, wood, stone and cement provide good grounds as well.

price 815 baht .41 selectBox41
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stock of : 64

Acrylic Colour 75ml.

SKU: 3511

Acrylic colours
Acrylic colours are a modern and versatile paint that can be used in various ways. The colours are easy to mix and you can use them on many different grounds such as artists' canvas and paper. Plaster, board, wood, stone and cement provide good grounds as well.

price 136 baht .38 selectBox38

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